Sarah had a 2 week period with the K6 Theraplate, she used the machine most days 3 times. A treatment plan was given and she has provided a detailed breakdown of how her body felt, what it felt during and after and the position she used on the theraplate to suit her right hip which is badly effected.
To sum up Sarah said “I think this really helped with my right hip but because my body isn’t used to it being forward it was hurting my back. The best position I found for me was to lay on the plate with my feet up on a chair (see photo attached – sorry about my dog!) because it also helped my back and shoulder relax as well as bringing my right hip forward. My walking really improved, I noticed this because my knees weren’t touching as much whilst walking, I felt stronger and my balance was much better also I didn’t lean to one side as much. Due to my tremors I found it hard to be on the theraplate too often, the second week of using it I had more pain and my tremors seemed to be worse, I just couldn’t relax and going on the plate made me tighter but this wasn’t from using the theraplate I just get worse weeks/days where my tremors affect me more.
It has been a few days since I last used the Theraplate and I have noticed the muscle in my right hip has relaxed a lot more, I am still walking and standing better but I have pains in my left hip. I still feel like I am sitting with my weight more evenly spread across both hips and my balance is still much better. My right knee has given way a few times and my back has felt tight but other than that everything is good”.